
Welcome to LMNC

An image of a brain that has been designed as a maze activity

LMNC is a Mental Health Coaching service assisting in wellness improvement to individuals who may struggle with life in general, or for those who are also struggling with a disability, or geriatric behaviour related problems.

Who are we here to help?

LMNC provides specialist services for;

  • Individuals who need a new approach to improve their health and happiness, based on current research. LMNC helps people who struggle with trauma-based behaviours such as addiction, anxiety, and depression.
  • People needing improvement of sleep, gut health and assistance with other health targets.
  • Carers who care for a person who needs specialised behaviour management assistance to look after their client or loved one who has challenging behaviours due to dementia, mental health or other neurological disruption.
  • Online sessions are available
  • Certain concessions are available

How can we help you?

LMNC combines Health Change Australia Methodology, and Neuroscience, with an intuitive fluid approach this service is unique. LMNC can assist in developing your understanding of self, to enable the creation of your own personal coping styles, leading to a life of good health and happiness. Feelings of helplessness, loneliness, and unworthiness can be reduced.

This service goes to the client home or a prearranged place of comfort and privacy. The initial 1-hour consultation is free, with no obligation. All LMNC clients have gained value just from the initial consultation. Go to the ‘Contact Us’ page and make a booking today for your free session.